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我的世界Java版20w48a版本新增内容详情 石笋和钟乳石推出

日期:2022-10-18 21:52:55栏目:游戏攻略浏览:


  • 新特性
    Added dripstone blocks and pointed dripstone
    Forms a stalactite if placed on the ceiling or a stalagmite if placed on the floor
    Can be combined to form longer stalactites & stalagmites
    Stalagmites break if not attached to something below
    Landing or jumping on a stalagmite hurts! They are sharp
    Stalactites fall down if not attached to something above
    Being hit by falling stalactite hurts! They are sharp
    Stalactites drip water (or lava if there is lava above the ceiling)
    A stalactite with a water source above the ceiling will gradually fill a cauldron below with water
    A stalactite with a lava source above the ceiling will fill a cauldron below with lava after a while
    Thrown tridents break pointed dripstone

    Right-clicking a bundle in the inventory now empties one item from the bundle
    Using a bundle now throws out its entire content into the world
    Advanced tooltips now show how full a bundle is
    Candles can now only be placed if there is a solid surface below
    Wearing any piece of leather armour now prevents freezing entirely
    Changed textures for amethysts, candles, clocks and compasses

  • 20w46a和20w48a的材质对比图

    Added a freezeDamage game rule that allows players to toggle whether powder snow causes freeze damage or not
    添加了游戏规则 freezeDamage 来设置是否让玩家受到细雪造成的冰冻伤害

    MC-3615 - Lava and water are completely transparent at certain height levels
    MC-3615 - 在特定的高度下水和岩浆会变得透明
    MC-176614 - Swimming and doing certain actions make the player look very odd/does not have animations for swimming + doing certain actions
    MC-176614 - 游泳或者特定动作会让玩家看起来很奇怪/游泳或特定动作没有动画
    MC-198864 - World border does not render below y=0 / above y=255
    MC-198864 - 当高度为0以下或超出255时不会渲染世界边界
    MC-203602 - Spyglass animation is wrong when swimming
    MC-203602 - 玩家游泳时的望远镜动画不对劲
    MC-203645 - Spyglass wobbles when walking while in use
    MC-203645 - 玩家走路时的望眼镜会晃动
    MC-203824 - Weird Hand animation when attacking and using spyglass at the same time
    MC-203824 - 当同时攻击和使用望远镜时手部的动画会很奇怪
    MC-203925 - Items inside of a bundle disappear if you empty the bundle in the inventory when in Creative mode while the inventory is full
    MC-203925 - 如果在创造模式+背包已满的状态下取出收纳袋的物品,物品将会消失
    MC-203951 - The elder guardian particle moves when an elder guardian moves
    MC-203951 - 当一个远古守卫者移动时,远古守卫者的遭遇动画也会跟着移动
    MC-204323 - Inconsistency: Crafting copper blocks into slabs only yields 4 slabs instead of 6
    MC-204323 - 游戏合成不一致:铜块只能合成 4 个台阶,而不是和其他方块一样的 6 个
    MC-204424 - Using a spyglass while gliding with an elytra points the spyglass down in third person view
    MC-204424 - 从第三人称视角看在鞘翅滑行+使用望远镜的动作时望远镜会朝下
    MC-205041 - Full leather armour does not prevent freezing damage
    MC-205041 - 全套皮革套并不能防止冻结伤害
    MC-205069 - Powdered snow doesn’t give you frozen effect in creative mode
    MC-205069 - 在创造模式下的玩家不会受到细雪给予的冻结效果
    MC-205072 - Snow Ambient Effect sometimes don’t show correctly on the edge of a Powder Snow Block
    MC-205072 - 在细雪方块边缘的雪环境效果有时显示不对
    MC-205145 - Compass with nothing to point to will spin very rapidly when in bundle.
    MC-205145 - 没有指向的指南针在收纳袋内会自旋得特别快。
    MC-205197 - Creating a map from an empty map no longer plays a sound
    MC-205197 - 用空地图创建地图时不会再播放音效了
    MC-205220 - Cannot manipulate horse.saddle using /item command
    MC-205220 - 无法使用/item命令操作horse.saddle属性
    MC-205269 - Chest closing sounds desynced with closing animations
    MC-205269 - 关闭箱子的音效与关闭动画不同步
    MC-205321 - Item modifiers that change the item type don’t work on entities
    MC-205321 - 更改物品类型的物品属性没有在实体上工作
    MC-205445 - The Fabulous graphics warning is shown at the wrong time
    MC-205445 - 「极佳」图像品质的警告画面出现时机有误
    MC-205492 - The ‘Include entities’ option in the structure block UI is the opposite of the actual behavior
    MC-205492 - 在结构方块GUI内的‘包含实体’选项与实际表现相反
    MC-205567 - TNT flashes are translucent once again
    MC-205567 - TNT的闪烁又会半透明了
    MC-205627 - Item modifiers that change the count to 0 don’t completely remove the item
    MC-205627 - 将物品属性的物品数量设置为0时并不会完全移除该物品
    MC-206058 - /item modify doesn’t visually update the model of an item in an item frame
    MC-206058 - /item modify命令并不会更新展示框内渲染的物品模型
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