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我的世界java版20w51a版本新增内容详情 MC预览版更新内容一览

日期:2022-10-19 10:52:46栏目:游戏攻略浏览:


  • 准备好按下您的截图按钮,然后开始发出“太漂亮呐”的最佳大喊了吗?在这个年度最终Minecraft Java快照里,有什么比让我们用可爱的蝾螈来结束这一年更好呢?它可是在我们的愿望清单上很久了!
    ● Added the axolotl!
    ● 新增了蝾螈!
    ● Amphibious!
    ● 蝾螈是两栖类动物!
    ● Axolotls currently love tropical fish, though this may change. Tropical fish or tropical fish buckets can be used to mate axolotls.
    ● 蝾螈现在非常喜欢热带鱼,尽管这可能在后续更新时改变。热带鱼和热带鱼桶可以用来繁衍蝾螈。
    ● Axolotls will swim around with you if you’re holding a tropical fish or tropical fish bucket in one of your hands.
    ● 当你手持一个热带鱼或者热带鱼桶时,蝾螈将会围着你游。
    ● When a player kills a mob that the axolotl was attacking or being attacked by, the axolotl will show its appreciation by granting the player temporary regeneration and removing any mining fatigue effects.
    ● 当玩家击杀一个蝾螈正在攻击或者被攻击的生物后,蝾螈将会以给你短暂生命回复效果和移除所有挖掘疲劳的效果来报答你。
    ● You can pick up your axolotl in a water bucket and carry it around just like a salmon or cod!
    ● 你可以把蝾螈放在水桶里,像鲑鱼或鳕鱼一样带着它们到处走!
    ● Axolotls will always chase after squids and other types of fish.
    ● 蝾螈总是会捕食鱿鱼和其他类型的鱼。
    ● Axolotls are skittish, but they will attack Drowned and Guardians if you tempt them with their favorite food – tropical fish!
    ● 蝾螈很胆小,但是如果你给它们最喜欢的食物——热带鱼,它们就会帮助你攻击溺尸和守卫者!
    ● Axolotls do not like it out of the water and will dry up and begin taking damage if they are out of water for longer than 5 minutes.
    ● 蝾螈不喜欢离开水,并且如果离开水超过5分钟,它们就会因为缺水而受到伤害。
    ● An axolotl will not dry up as long as they are in water or rain.
    ● 如果它们回到水里或者天气在下雨,那么蝾螈就不会因为缺水而受到伤害。
    ● Sometimes when an axolotl takes damage, it will pretend to be dead so that it stops being attacked.
    ● 有时如果一只蝾螈受到伤害,那么它们会假装死亡,这样它们就不会进一步受到攻击了。
    ● There are four common varieties and 1 rare variety of axolotl.
    ● 蝾螈有4个常见变种和1个稀有变种。
    ● Axolotls do not spawn in the world in the world yet, but you can find spawn eggs for them in the creative inventory
    ● 蝾螈现在还不会在主世界生成,但是你可以通过创造模式的背包来获取它们的生成蛋

    ● Bundles and shulker box items will now drop their items when destroyed.
    ● 当收纳袋和潜影盒以物品形式被破坏时,它们内部的东西将会掉落。
    ● Some changes have been made to sculk sensors.
    ● 对潜声传感器做出了一些修改。
    ● Eating Start has been removed as an event for a few reasons.
    ● 因为一些原因,开始进食不再作为潜声传感器检测的一个内容了。
    ● Walking on wool no longer causes vibrations.
    Throwing wool as an item onto the ground no longer causes vibrations.
    ● 在羊毛上行走不再产生振动。将羊毛以物品形式丢到地面也不再产生振动。
    ● Sculk sensors are now silent while waterlogged.
    ● 现在,潜声传感器如果在水里,它将不再工作。
    ● As we continue to consider feedback from the community, some changes to the frequency ranges have been made. We expect this to change quite heavily up until release to figure out the most interesting ranges for gameplay, and as always feedback is extremely welcome! Here is the newest table in this snapshot.
    ● 当我们正在考虑来自社区的反馈时,我们对频率范围做出了一些修改。我们希望在正式版发布之前,有关振动的修改将会有很大的变化。我们希望找出让游戏体验最有趣的范围!我们仍一如既往的接受你们的反馈!下面是这个快照最新的表:
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